Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Shinpuru V2.3 Blogger Template
Hello again, do not get tired of his "I share a template, well this time shinpuru 2.3 templates I've ever used for my own blog which is a basic template v2 sword art online and have recorded the pengeditan'a in video editing template sao v2What's different shinpuru the previous template? difference is only on the color, position and distance as well as the effects readmore and contains some additions like related post.
1. Settings menu
Go to bloggers, select the menu template => Edit HTML and find the html code as below.
subsequently change the hashtag '#' (without the quotes) to the ulr / address link you want to go, and change the name of the link.
2. Setting SEO / Meta tags
set manually by the user of the description and the keywords of your blog.
* replace the text in red
3.setting format time / date of posting
Finished again deh, I think this is the last version to template shinpuru.
good luck, arigatou gozaimasu minna-san, keep the spirit while jakarta flood.